Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God,
for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful.
-Joel 2:23

A Leap of Faith!
So what’s it like at Covered Bridge? It’s fair to start with the fact that the program has evolved a bit, at least since this author walked through the door. Although there have been changes, the main core values and system remain. Let me walk you through my personal experience coming to Covered Bridge—and, hopefully, draw parallels to what happens with incoming residents today.
When I arrived at Covered Bridge, I was filled with hopelessness, fear, shame, and uncertainty. Couple that with mild confusion and you have a rough idea of where people can be, both mentally and spiritually when they arrive. I remember seeing the sign over the porch and thinking, “What is Covered Bridge? Why is it named that? What exactly did I get myself into? I thought I was going to a rehab center??” (For the record – all this had already been explained to me.)
The house was a welcoming environment with helpful people that were more than patient explaining to me the ins-and-outs of the residential life. As the days passed, I fell into place with the daily devotions, book work, meetings, and a lot of learning. Most importantly, I was trying something new. Something had to change and two phrases kept surfacing over and over again– “new life” and “honest, open, and willing.” It was new. It was alien. It… was… enticing!
The days were filled with studying, engaging the book work, and discipleship time. Although I didn’t realize it at first, this discipleship time WAS what the program is about- digging deep into the hurts, habits, and hang-ups that brought us through the door in the first place. One issue at a time, problems are identified, and time is taken to work on those issues from a Biblical perspective. Learning the Biblical “meat and potatoes” if you will, and how to apply them to your life, is exactly what happens as you develop/further your relationship with Jesus Christ.
The rest of the time I found it to be like living with a new family. There was time for reading, movies, cribbage, volunteering, and a personal favorite—family dinner. There are both in-house and off-site Bible studies, recovery meetings, and our home church activities at UBC.
That said, when a new resident walks through the door, I find it necessary to remember what it was like, and that we must do our best to make sure they are entering a family environment like I remember— because this certainly IS NOT just another rehab center. Covered Bridge is a house of God!
—Sean Tymecki, Staff

Au Revoir, Brother Jeffrey!

This season marks two major events for our dear brother Jeffrey. Not only did we recently celebrate his one year anniversary, but on October 15th, Jeffrey finished his transition out of Covered Bridge.
While here, he’s established stable employment, regained his drivers license, and now he has secured suitable/safe housing. He has also changed greatly in areas that historically have been challenging to him. This growth has been evidenced here in the house, and we pray that his knowledge in Christ will carry into all aspects of his life moving forward! You’ll be missed, Brother!
A View By Numbers (Year-to-Date)
Sometimes it’s hard to understand just how much impact contributions to Covered Bridge have on our overall mission of restoring lives. It takes significant resources to keep our house running. But God, working through the hearts of so many, never ceases to provide! Even the men at CB recently used their skills and helping hands to replace the sunroom roof. The costs were limited to materials only!
As seen from these numbers (more fully explained in our November newsletter), we are truly blessed and encouraged to be able to offer so much to our men. As we progress to the end of the year, we hope you will prayerfully keep us in your hearts this giving season. God bless!

Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. McCaffrey!

Right about this time last year, we were celebrating the union of Michael and Kristine, a blessing long in the making! After years of dysfunction, the two are enjoying being under one roof, being Godly parents, and learning to navigate the trials of life together- including rebuilding extended family relationships.
Michael has been called to teach Sunday school periodically, and both he and Kristine are in leadership classes— equipping them to share in leading the Celebrate Recovery program. This picture shows the blessing of being able to jointly celebrate the graduation of their daughter, Sara, from the Saint Johnsbury School!

Please pray for the continued works the Lord is doing in my heart regarding edifying speech, as well as improvement with my diabetes and COPD.
Please pray for my continued focus on God, to do His will, so that I can become a Godly husband, father, and grandfather.
We are full of praise to the Lord for providing the resources, manpower, and His perfect timing to make our roofing project possible! These pictures show the project in process!
This year’s focus was to remove the leaking skylights, flashing, and redo the shingles. Former resident/brother Rick Signore was gracious enough to lend his time and expertise to the house so that the project could be finished!

A Global Day of Giving!
This year’s Giving Tuesday lands on November 28th, and we are actively pursuing options for matching donations. Please stay up-to-date by following our Facebook page!