Merry Christmas!

This season is a special time of year. The decorations go up, the festive music starts, and there are fireplaces with hot cocoa. There are friends, family, stories, and warm fellowship abounding all around.
It’s really not a whole lot different here at Covered Bridge. We just have an extended family. A new family. God’s family! By the very nature of our “Christ-centered family recovery” home, we are able to fully embrace the Christmas season for what it is— the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
We are able to have the joy and peace of the season in our hearts because of supporters like you that selflessly give to help fix broken lives. With the new year looming, we are humbly asking for prayer and support to help us meet our seasonal and year-end needs. We are thankful for the gifts received so far. Since our last newsletter, an additional $5,000 matching donation has been pledged for a total of $35,000. That means that the next $24,000 donated between now and December 31 will be doubled. Please pray for the Lord’s provision. We need your support.
We especially could use your help to spread the word about our need to others. Recovery, reconciliation, and relationships— that’s our business, and it is God’s too so we know He will provide! Again, we thank you all so much for being faithful supporters of CB— helping us do God’s work in healing. We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

We caught up with Rick, one year later!
Reconciliation has a lot to do with transformation — moving from a place of separation from God, hurt, and brokenness to a place of healing, wholeness, forgiveness, and reunion. It is more than forgiveness. It is acknowledging the need for forgiveness and then allowing transformation and unity to occur. The concept of reconciliation in the Bible relates specifically to the restoration of fellowship between God and man, resulting in the mending of relationships between man and God and others.
It is hard for me to convey into words the joy I feel this Christmas season. I owe it all to my Lord and Savior and the realization that the sins of my past, although not forgotten, are truly forgiven. This single concept allowed me to embrace my seven-month journey at CB and begin the greatest transformation of my life. That transformation continues to this day.

This was not the case fourteen months ago. There was no such joy in my life. My addiction had finally brought me to the point of complete surrender — but not before I lost nearly everything. My out-of-control behavior had caused fractured relationships. My relationship with my wife had become toxic and unsalvageable. My daughter was essentially my caretaker. The guilt and shame of all that had caused me to isolate and seek false comfort. At that time, CB did not appear to be a blessing as much as a last refuge of someone who had run out of options. I entered CB a broken man, motivated only by the incredible support of my daughter and a special verse Pastor Dave had said to me a day prior to coming to CB.


The LORD has given us the “ministry” of reconciliation — reconciliation with Him and with others. Rick’s testimony greatly warms and encourages my heart as I have been privileged to walk with him and some of his family members from feeling no hope to knowing the glorious, healing work only God can do. Beauty from ashes!
As I watch so many men get saved and surrender their lives over to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am in awe of the transforming work of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit in their lives. But that’s only the beginning. We also see families reunited, relationships reconciled, marriages beginning, and hope restored. God’s hand of blessing is truly on the Covered Bridge ministry and its extended outreach. We are thankful.
Please consider and keep this ministry thriving by having your gift matched through Dec. 31.
May you have a blessed Christmas and rejoice in the Lord our Savior,
Pastor David Piers

Even though I had a hard time with it at first, I’m really thankful for having a stroke to be able to focus more on God. I was struggling for quite a while, but I’m thankful I had support from the house and from the church members of UBC and New Hope. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I’m looking forward to this next year as I’m slowly transitioning out of Covered Bridge to move up to New Hope/River of Life in a new position. Please pray for me because the final outcome is unclear, but I look forward to whatever God has ahead for me!
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am filled with gratitude, peace, love and joy. God has been gracious and faithful in allowing me to serve Him, as well as submit to His divine refinement. I am thankful to Him and look forward to continue working on becoming the missionary that God wants me to be. It is with humility, honor, and gratitude that I thank all of you and the brethren at Covered Bridge for your support, guidance, and encouragement. Please have a safe and blessed Christmas.
I am in awe of the depth of love God has for me through Christ His Son. This past year my life has been greatly enriched by His love. I pray that yours is also… Merry Christmas!
This holiday season is the first holiday season I have not been absolutely dreading in a very long time. I have my children, fiancé, mother, grandmother, and siblings— I have everything I could need right now! God has been providing answered prayers, non-stop, for myself and my family. By the grace of God, I now have six months of sobriety under my belt, a feat that has not happened since I was 14 years old. God pulled me out of the pit. I am redeemed. I am saved. I am loved! Merry Christmas!
In this holiday season I want to thank the supporters of Covered Bridge as well as friends and family for the great blessings they have given me over this past year. I have been able to draw closer to God and garner a relationship with Him, as well as with my family, friends, and my church. Today I am living a Godly life that was impossible 5-6 years ago. Today I have joy and peace because of the work of Jesus Christ and Covered Bridge. I thank all of you for making that possible in my life. God bless you, Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!